
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Back to the Roots

Back to the Roots

Back in 2020, I made the decision to live a more conscious and sustainable life, and with this decision came many new changes in the way I did things. It changed the way I bought groceries, it changed the way I saw the everyday products we tend to buy, and it changed the way I handled my relationship with my skin and hair.

Recently I’ve had many people ask me about how I care for my hair, and I decided a blog was long past due for that subject. So here it is! All my secrets (which really aren’t secrets) in the way that I show my wannabe mermaid mane the love that it needs.

The most important thing I can tell you is the reason I named this blog “Back to the Roots.” And that is, it all starts with what you’re feeding your hair. What you eat is one of the most impactful things you can do to control your hair's appearance. Keep reading down in this blog where I list a few of my favorite foods that help with hair growth and health. But let’s start with the main reason you probably started reading this…

What products and best practices can I use to help my hair?

Keep in mind that we all have different hair types and while I can’t give you the magical solution for your hair type, I can share a few simple ways that anyone can practice maintaining healthy hair:

1.) Scalp Massages

There’s this funny-looking brush in my shower called a scalp massager. Two years ago I ordered my first one after doing some research about the benefits of brushing your hair in the shower. This little wooden and silicone brush does two specific things when you use it: One, it deeply cleanses hair roots of oil, buildup, and dandruff. Two, it exfoliates and stimulates the scalp, which promotes hair growth. My hair put out an extra 2 inches between trims than it did before using the scalp massager! I love this little brush so much and have had the same one for years now. You can find different ones online, but if you’re interested in trying out the one that I use, click the button below:

2.) Rice Water

If you have social media at all, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across a rice water enthusiast or hater at some point. My aunt shared the tip with me, and I have been using this natural treatment ever since. So here’s my personal experience with it:

I saw mixed reviews about whether or not rice water was actually good for your hair. Some people had no results, others had amazing results, while others experienced more damage to their hair. Luckily, since I began my health journey and took the time to research and learn a lot in regards to natural solutions and nutrition, I already knew the answer going into this treatment of how rice water can either work, or not work. The first thing you need to understand is that the different types of rice play a huge role, so let’s take it back to the basics real quick— A grain of rice contains three important parts to it: 1.) the bran 2.) the germ and 3.) the endosperm. Each of those parts contains important vitamins and minerals. Take a look at the image below for a visual understanding…

So why is this important to know? Well, a lot of the rice we find in the grocery stores have been stripped of the bran and germ so that they’re easier to cook. Not only that, but rice that has been enriched most likely has had chemicals added. White rice is highly processed and is the most common type to be stripped of the important stuff. So now that we know this, what does this mean about rice water?

If you use the wrong type of rice on your hair, you could not only NOT see results, but could also end up damaging your hair in the long run with chemicals that you didn’t even know were there (now imagine all the unknowns we’re putting into our bodies when we eat certain foods without understanding this…alas, another blog for another day perhaps). But seriously, that’s why it’s important to do your research! Sometimes the all-natural ways we try to care for our bodies with things bought from a store, aren’t actually as “natural” as we think. I found my results to shinier, damage repaired, and healthy hair by using either brown rice or wild rice. Once you pick your rice, this is the process my aunt taught me that I go by:

  • one cup of rice

  • 2 to 3 cups water

  • soak for at least 30 minutes to an hour

  • strain the rice (and save the rice in a sealed container in the fridge to use for a meal later)

  • add optional drops of essential oils (because the rice water can sometimes smell a little funky)

  • reuse a plastic or glass bottle from around the house to store the water (a squirt or spray spout will work just fine)

  • store in the fridge and use within a month

I do the rice water treatment once a week, but every other week would work too as there are other natural treatments to include. Which now leads me to my last tip—

3.) Vinegar

I know, I know, not exactly a go-to ingredient you’d want to put anywhere near your clean smelling mane. But low and behold, a key part in my hair treatment process! It all started when I was a bit frustrated at the fact that my hair does not maintain the same color in the winter as it does the summer. Obviously sun exposure is a huge reason for this. But I always preferred my naturally sun-kissed locks over the wannabe brunette that my hair would put out the minute I couldn’t get my time outside soaking up that vitamin D. With my mom being a hairstylist, bleach was always an option and my go-to for the longest time, but as I started to remove harsh chemicals from my life (including toxic relationships- just a little humor for ya there), I knew that I wanted to find an alternative solution. So I did my research! Vinegar restores your hair to its proper pH, smooths its cuticle, and tames frizz. It also helps promote a healthy scalp which leads to hair growth. There are many different ways you can use vinegar on your hair— from a rinse, to using it in place of shampoo every so often, to a soak before washing.

I use it as a soak with white distilled vinegar to bring out the remaining natural blond highlights and to lighten my hair, and I definitely recommend this type for blondes or lighter shades. But you can always use the miracle working elixir known as apple cider vinegar, for any hair shade or type. Here’s my process:

  • spray vinegar on the roots and all throughout your hair

  • leave it on for at least 10 minutes

  • let the vinegar stay in your hair for 10 to 20 minutes to further repair (and/or lighten) your hair if you have time

  • rinse with warm water and proceed to wash your hair as normal

  • final rinse with cool water

Now that you know about my rice water and vinegar treatments, I’ll tell you that I make it easier on myself by combining the processes which I do once a week. Since I use the white distilled vinegar to naturally lighten my hair, I spray my roots and the top part of my hair with the vinegar. While the vinegar soaks in, I add in the rice water from the mid strands and down to the ends. Then I twist my hair up in a clip and pass the time doing whatever else I need to do (typically involves either cleaning the house or forcing myself to sit down and relax). After about an hour passes, I hop in the shower, shampoo it, condition with coconut oil on the ends, and final rinse with cold water to close the hair cuticles and seal all the goodness in!

But as I said at the beginning, to get back to the roots of healthy hair, it all starts with what we’re eating. The key to having a better relationship with your hair is by treating it as you would treat something that you want to keep alive. Meaning, why would we put things on our hair that we can’t even consume? Rule of thumb, only use products on your hair and skin that you can actually eat.

Our hair needs to be fed and nourished, and the best foods I’ve incorporated in my diet that impact hair growth and health are:

  • Eggs

  • Salmon

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Avocados

While there are many more, these are my favorites and totally worth it to add to your next grocery list!

But there you have it folks— my hair secrets for wannabe mermaids. I hope that this blog puts you on the path to not only taking better care of your hair and health, but also inspires you to live consciously.



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